June Jitterbugs

Hello, everyone!

Things are going well. I'm piecing the stories into the rulebook, I'm entering final contract negotiations with two more artists, and my current artist on contract has delivered two works this month! I've included the Swashbuckler and the Warmage below. Both are Aristocrat backer rewards, so I'm very happy to present them now!

I'm going to be at Denver Comic Con this weekend, and am even presenting at the panel In Want of a Wife: A Pride and Prejudice Role-Playing Game. No, Pride and Prejudice does not secretly have mechanical steam carriages and evil necromantic villains, but I helped design an educational role-playing game to for High School English teachers to teach War and Peace!

Surprise ending.

No, no, it's for Pride and Prejudice. Should be fun!

Anyways, I'm also going to be looking for yet more artists there. I hope I can find a few!

Happy June!
