September Steam

Well, things have certainly picked up pace!

Becca Bean and Kim Sokol have both been turning out more artwork. Becca has illustrated the sasquatch below, and Kim has made some more beautiful armor for characters to wear!  

Check Becca out at

Check out Kim at


The Sasquatch Warrior



Leather Cap




I also have 2 additional artists to introduce this month.

First, say hello to Heather Carr! She did this amazing drake, and will be making more soon! You can find her other work at

Drake nearly finished.jpg

My next artist to introduce is Kaela Croft! She drew the dwarven bartender below, and will be working on more soon! 


In addition to all this, I've been working hard on writing up the High Spirits mission. Next, I have to work on the Pirates of the Savage Wind 4-pack!  

I'm so excited to have this chance to work on Age of Aether for all of you! 

