The End is Nigh

Hello Everyone,

I have exciting news. Just last week, I signed the final pieces of art and signed a graphic artist to assemble the final product. This means that, should everything go to plan, Age of Aether will ship by Christmas. 

Now, there is still a lot that could go wrong. Artists could get sick, printing could take longer than expected, etc. There are all sorts of delays that could push that ship date back, but right now, Age of Aether will ship by Christmas.

This means that, as it stands, I need your responses to the survey! Let me know what name you want on the thank you page in the book (offensive or derogatory names will not be included), what email address you want the electronic rewards sent to, and what physical address you want the hard copy sent to (if you backed at that level). If you do not get me this information by the end of November, I cannot guarantee that your name will be in the book, or that you will receive your awards, and nobody wants you to get your copy of Age of Aether and the credit you are due more than I.

Some of you have expressed to me a wish to buy the hard copy after the kickstarter has ended, either for yourself or on behalf of friends. Well, good news! Once the book ships, it will be available to purchase at DriveThruRPG, in both electronic and hard copy forms.  

I am terribly excited to see this work come to a conclusion. Thank you so much for your patience; it's just a little bit further until we can all be playing Age of Aether!

