Hello everyone!
I know it’s been a while since the last update, but I have not been idle. In fact, I pushed this update back a bit so that I could share with you some more of the new art that I was particularly excited for!
First off, I’d love to post the beautiful chapter start images by Priscilla Kim, but they are actually too large to upload! So you’ll have to make do with these lower-res previews. Check out more of her work at http://www.priscilla-kim.com/
The PCs RP-ing.
Some people just can’t stop buying stuff!
Next, I’d like to introduce artist Melissa Hudson! She did the two wonderful pieces for me below. Check her out at https://www.deviantart.com/mmhudson
Finally, I have two wonderful pieces from Kim Sokol! They are glorious chapter start images. As usual, you can see her work at https://www.kimsokol.com/
We are closing in on the final stretches, which is especially exciting for me! Producing Age of Aether has taken a lot more effort than I thought it would, but I am happy with what is shaping up! I thank you all for your patience, and hope you are as pleased with the game as I am!
I’ll be back soon with another update.